64 pages 2 hours read

Tana French

The Likeness

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Chapters 4-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary

Frank and Cassie spend a week prepping her to assume the identity of the murdered woman. While Cassie studies, Frank continues the investigation of the area and “KAs,” or known associates. Frank also gathers more information on the housemates and their unique lifestyle that includes them choosing not to own a television and to use typewriters instead of computers. Cassie spends time studying the victim’s version of Lexie, as “[t]he mystery girl’s Lexie had been more mercurial, more volatile, more willful and capricious” (83) than Cassie’s fictional undercover identity. As Frank has separated from his wife and is sharing custody of his daughter, he is staying at Cassie’s apartment while they work on the case. Sam arrives with groceries to make dinner, but Cassie and Frank have already had Chinese takeout. Sam seems uncomfortable with Frank staying there, so the scene is tense and awkward. Over coffee, Sam laments the lack of progress he has made in finding suspects in Lexie’s murder case, so Sam asks Cassie to create a profile of the murderer for him. Cassie is uncomfortable with the dynamic in the room, as it reminds her of the way she and Rob would work through cases. She suggests the killer is male, between the ages of 25 to 40, and a local or has extensive knowledge of the area.