64 pages 2 hours read

Tana French

The Likeness

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2008

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Chapters 21-23

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary

Daniel comes to Cassie late in the night to talk. Thinking Frank is hearing their conversation, he attempts to plant damaging information to get the investigators to remove her from the house, but Cassie disconnects the wire without him knowing. Daniel asks to see her scar to prove her identity and her stories to him, and she shows him the disconnected mic instead and tells him she’s not going to let his games work. Cassie tells him her time is ending, and she is not going to waste any opportunities to find answers no matter how hard he tries to thwart her. Daniel says, “My friends are my responsibility. I’m not going to stand back and let you sweep them off into corners for interrogation” (369). Everyone in the house is grumpy and shouts at each other before going to bed, though Daniel goes downstairs and speaks privately to Justin before retiring to his room. Cassie disconnects and reconnects her wire throughout the night to make Frank think it has faulty wiring. She bars her door for the first time since the first day in the house, fearing for her safety from Daniel. The next morning Daniel decides they will sand the floors in the dining room.