45 pages 1 hour read

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Last Tycoon

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1941

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Chapters 5-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary

Cecilia excitedly prepares to meet Stahr, expressing her intention to catch his attention. She discusses her plan with Wylie, who finds it brazen. He reveals his interest in her, acknowledging her wealth as a significant factor. Cecilia, however, continues to envision a romantic encounter with Stahr, rehearsing lines and scenarios. At the studio, she straightforwardly communicates her feelings to Stahr, who politely declines saying he is “too old and tired” to contemplate marriage again (102). Stahr suggests that she consider Wylie White as a potential match. Shortly after, Miss Doolan appears, called by Stahr through “a concealed button” (103), leaving Cecilia feeling like an embarrassed kid.

At a screenwriters’ ball, Cecilia observes a girl with angelic skin and unique style. Initially forgotten, the girl gains Cecilia’s attention as Stahr approaches her. They engage in dancing and conversation, and Stahr discovers the girl, who is the friend of Edna who resembles Minna, is named Kathleen Moore. Stahr, eager to know more about Kathleen, proposes lunch or dinner, but she hesitates. Despite this, a connection forms between them, and Kathleen admits to feeling breathless around Stahr. Kathleen leaves shortly after the dance and Stahr follows her to the parking lot, determined to persuade her to go out with him.