45 pages 1 hour read

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Last Tycoon

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1941

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Chapters 3-4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3 Summary

Cecilia Brady, having returned to Los Angeles, reflects on her father’s character, expressing her love for him while acknowledging his limitations. Despite his success, Cecilia sees her father’s accomplishments as more about “luck and shrewdness” (46) than inherent skill. In contrast, she recognizes Stahr as an industry leader, prompting her decision to observe Stahr’s daily routine.

Stahr, starting his day in the office, learns from his secretary, Miss Doolan, about a cameraman’s suicide attempt on the lot. Expressing concern, he instructs her to investigate further. Miss Doolan briefs him on various updates, including an actor’s wardrobe malfunction, a supervisor’s domestic abuse case, and reports of illness of another actor. Stahr also discovers that a Prince from Denmark is present on set for a tour. He tasks Miss Doolan with finding the woman resembling his wife from the previous night and turns his attention to Boxley, a writer, who is finding it challenging to adopt the screenplay format and contemplates giving up. However, Stahr persuades him to stay. Next, Stahr meets with movie star Mr. Rodriguez, who confides in him about contemplating separation from his wife Esther. Despite time constraints, Stahr offers support.

In the outer office, Cecilia Brady observes Wylie White and Jane Meloney, along with others, waiting for Stahr.