62 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Last Olympian

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2009

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Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary: “A Titan Brings Me a Present”

The Titan god Prometheus comes to visit Percy along with a giant and a demon empousa. Prometheus is on Kronos’s side and tries to convince Percy to give up the battle. He shows how strong the armies are and how they will defeat the demigods. If Percy and his army surrender, Prometheus promises leniency and that “New York will be spared” (219).

Also, if Percy surrenders, Prometheus will provide a “revelation” (221) to move mankind forward. This is Pandora’s jar, which contains hope. If Percy is going to surrender, he should open the jar and let hope out.

During his visit, Prometheus touches Percy’s forehead and shows him another vision of Luke. It picks up where Hestia’s left off: Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth are in May Castellan’s house. Hermes is there and meets Luke for the first time. Luke demands to know why Hermes abandoned him, and Hermes says demigods must fend for themselves. However, he tells Luke to go to Camp Half-Blood for guidance. It is also clear that Hermes knows what will happen to Luke in terms of turning evil and being overtaken by Kronos.