69 pages 2 hours read

Gordon Korman

The Juvie Three

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Chapters 5-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary

Healy and the boys arrive at Alma K. Walker High School. The school principal, Dr. Cavendish, has called a meeting before classes start, where he berates the boys for their imaginary future crimes. Healy speaks up in their defense and tells Dr. Cavendish that he’s being unfair.

Once outside the office, the group meets Ms. Vaughn, the social worker in charge of the boys’ case. Healy is visibly frightened of her and tells them that she has the power to send the boys back where they came from at a moment’s notice. Ms. Vaughn, Healy, and the boys head down the halls and deposit Gecko in a classroom for freshman chemistry.

Gecko is at a table with a boy named Diego, who is terrified of Gecko. Gecko begins his assignment and accidentally knocks over a glass beaker, which shatters. The contents of the beaker spill onto a nearby student’s shoes. The student gears up for a fight until he sees who’s responsible, and then he retreats in fear. Diego is also afraid, and Gecko reflects that this new environment is just as hurtful as the one he left behind.

Terence is roaming the hallways. He meets a student named DeAndre, who is trying to fence stolen cellphones.