69 pages 2 hours read

Gordon Korman

The Juvie Three

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Chapters 32-34

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 32 Summary

Mike sits in the apartment with Healy, Roxanne, and the boys. The boys confess the entire story, including that they forged Healy’s reports and continued going through their required schedule, doing well at school so as not to arouse suspicion. Healy stands up for them, saying, “everything they did—even when it was wrong—they did it for all the right reasons” (234).

After some deliberation, Mike agrees to let them off the hook on one condition: Gecko and Roxanne can never see each other again. They know it’s the only chance for Gecko and the boys to stay out of prison, so they agree.

Chapter 33 Summary

Ms. Vaughn arrives for her checkup of Healy and the boys. She carefully examines the apartment before announcing, to their horror, that she’s found a weapon. She indignantly points out the broken bowling trophy, a violation of their code because of its sharp edges. However, she goes on to admit that Healy has made remarkable progress with the boys. Before she goes, she makes sure that the bowling trophy has been safely thrown away.

After Ms. Vaughn leaves, the group relaxes and acknowledges their success. They’re approached by Mrs. Liebowitz, who tells them that she received some mail for them: a management contract for Arjay’s band.