69 pages 2 hours read

Gordon Korman

The Juvie Three

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Chapters 27-31

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 27 Summary

The boys and Roxanne are working on a plan to break Healy out. Roxanne tells them that security is impenetrable at the hospital. Everything is locked, chained, and barred and procedures are in place for unexpected emergencies. She encourages them to confess, but Terence isn’t having it. He asks about deliveries and garbage disposal exits, and she admits there’s a locked, unguarded door between the alley and the kitchen. Terence takes charge and forms a plan based on Roxanne’s details. Gecko and Arjay are impressed by his initiative.

As the boys return home, they’re met by DeAndre and his friends outside their apartment. Terence tells him he won’t go along with his scheme to hurt the old woman, and DeAndre gets ready for a fight. Before he can attack, however, DeAndre and his friends are soaked by a bucket of water. Mrs. Liebowitz looks down at them and tells them to leave. DeAndre and his friends take off, telling Terence he has 24 hours.

Chapter 28 Summary

Roxanne finishes her shift at the hospital and reflects on her motives for helping Gecko and his friends, wondering if she’s wrong to judge them when she’s known nothing but privilege. Roxanne goes to see Healy and offers him some hot chocolate and company in the kitchen.