69 pages 2 hours read

Gordon Korman

The Juvie Three

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Chapters 18-21

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 18 Summary

Under the cover of night, Terence breaks into the basement laundry room of a building and makes his way upstairs. He finds apartment 27B and picks the lock so he can enter. Before Terence can do anything else, the lights turn on and he is attacked by a baseball bat. He finds himself cornered by a “middle-aged woman wrapped in a voluminous flowered nightgown” (135). Just as Terence is about to escape out the door, it opens, and he meets DeAndre in the doorway. The woman is DeAndre’s mother.

Terence explains that came to DeAndre’s home to prove his talent at breaking in. He tells DeAndre that he can help just like he did before.

Chapter 19 Summary

Healy’s head has healed, but he still hasn’t regained his memory. Gecko wrestles with his desire to tell Healy everything, but he chooses to wait until his memory comes back on its own so that Healy can protect them from the social worker.

At home, Arjay is practicing guitar for his upcoming gig, Gecko is typing up Healy’s weekly report, and Terence is reading for school. They argue about how they’re going to earn money to keep paying for their food. Terence tells them he has something “in the works” (141).