54 pages 1 hour read

Milan Kundera

The Joke

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1967

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Parts 4-5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4 Summary: “Jaroslav”

Jaroslav has a dream inspired by the folk traditions that he loves so much. In the dream, he finds himself in a strange land. He is approached by strange people who address him as “king.” When he asks to be taken to his queen, Vlasta, they blindfold him and place him on a horse.

Jaroslav wakes up and thinks about the Ride of the Kings, a folk festival that will take place in two days. His son, Vladimir, has been chosen to play the role of the king in the festivities as a way of honoring Jaroslav’s work in preserving folk traditions. However, Vladimir is reluctant to take part. Jaroslav then thinks about a strange encounter he had with his oldest friend, Ludvik. Earlier in the day, he spotted Ludvik in town for the first time in many years. Ludvik seemed to ignore him, which bothered him. He thinks about how people from cities like Prague have turned folk musicians into “a laughingstock” in recent years. He hopes that Vladimir will understand how important these traditions are to him.

Jaroslav remembers playing his harmonium for Vladimir. He wants his son to understand the importance of folk music as a form of cultural identity.