54 pages 1 hour read

Milan Kundera

The Joke

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1967

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Parts 1-2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1 Summary: “Ludvik”

Ludvik Jahn returns to his hometown after 15 years away on a “cynical and low mission” (3). He dislikes his small, ramshackle hotel room and seeks out his old friend, Kostka. Between work and his girlfriend in another town, Kostka is not using his apartment often. He offers to host Ludvik, who is planning a “beautiful demolition.” Before he leaves, Kostka assures his old friend that he will help him get a “special shave.” He takes Ludvik to a barbershop and then leaves, whereupon a woman shaves Ludvik’s face. Ludvik half-recognizes the woman but cannot recall her name. As customers chatter, he tries to catch her eye and recall their connection, but she avoids his gaze. Ludvik leaves feeling “oddly frustrated.” He calls Kostka and confirms that the woman’s name is Lucie Sebetka, though Kostka says that she now lives under a different name.

Part 2 Summary: “Helena”

Helena reflects on her relationship with Pavel Zemanek. He was the first man that she loved, and she “can never erase Pavel from [her] heart” (16). They met and married when they were both ardent young Communists. When they married, Zemanek gifted Helena his locket, which contained a “picture of the Kremlin” (18).