41 pages 1 hour read

H. G. Wells

The Island of Doctor Moreau

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1896

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Chapters 6-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary: “The Evil-Looking Boatmen”

Eventually, Moreau and Montgomery take pity on Prendick and bring him ashore. Prendick observes that the men who help Moreau all have an unusual and unsettling appearance. Moreau notes that it might be a very long time before a boat comes and gives Prendick an opportunity to leave the island.

Chapter 7 Summary: “The Locked Door”

Moreau, Prendick, and Montgomery discuss where Prendick is going to stay; Moreau makes it clear that because they do not know Prendick, they must keep certain things concealed from him. Left alone, Prendick realizes that the name Moreau sounds familiar to him. He eventually recalls that Moreau was a scientist who was discovered to have been performing gruesome experiments on live animals; there was a public outcry, and Moreau was forced to either abandon his research or leave the country. He chose the latter. This context explains why animals are being brought to the island: Moreau must be using them for ongoing experiments.

Chapter 8 Summary: “The Crying of the Puma”

Prendick and Montgomery share a meal together, and Prendick asks pointed questions about the servant who is waiting on them, observing that the man has pointed ears and strange dark hair.