49 pages 1 hour read

Holly Black, Cassandra Clare

The Iron Trial

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Chapters 16-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

Alex instructs the Iron Year students to make a circle around himself and Drew as he heals him. Call finds himself unaccountably drawn toward the Chaos-ridden wolves that surround them; he leaves the circle and walks toward them. Tamara grabs his wrist and yanks him back, and Call trips and falls. Tamara sends fire at a wolf lunging at them.

Suddenly, Aaron jumps in front of them both; black, smokey magic pours from his hands, and the wolves disappear into it. The Masters arrive. Aaron is hailed as the new Makar, with the power to wield chaos magic. Aaron seems shocked at this. He is taken away by the Masters while Alex escorts the Iron Year students, including Call and Tamara, back to the Magisterium.

Chapter 17 Summary

On the way back to the Magisterium, the Iron Year students discuss Drew’s decision to run away. Jasper declares that he’s a coward, and Rafe doesn’t believe Drew’s accusations about Master Lemuel’s cruelty, but Gwenda, Tamara, and Call suggest that perhaps he was pushed to his breaking point.

Call hears something following them through the woods.