35 pages 1 hour read

H. G. Wells

The Invisible Man

Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1897

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Chapters 1-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “The Strange Man’s Arrival”

On a cold February day in Iping Village, England, a strangely dressed man arrives at the Coach and Horses Inn. Mrs. Hall, the innkeeper, is surprised by the man’s attire and brusque manner. He wears blue goggles and is covered by heavy coats, scarves, and a hat. When he speaks, he covers his mouth with a white napkin. When he removes his hat, Mrs. Hall is shocked to see that his face and head are heavily bandaged. She tries to make him feel comfortable by sharing stories of her family and their own medical procedures. The visitor makes it clear, however, that he wants to discuss neither his condition nor his odd appearance.

Chapter 2 Summary: “Mr. Teddy Henfrey’s First Impressions”

When Mrs. Hall brings a clock repairman into the stranger’s room, she finds him napping. For the first time, she sees him without a handkerchief covering the lower portion of his face. There is a large gaping hole where his mouth should be, but she assumes shadows are playing tricks on her. Now awake, the stranger expresses irritation at their arrival, but he allows the repairman, Mr. Henfrey, to fix the clock. The stranger inquires about his luggage, explaining to Mrs.