48 pages 1 hour read

John Grisham

The Innocent Man

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2006

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Chapters 16-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary

After his release, Ron is invited to appear on television talk shows in New York and Los Angeles. While in New York, a visit to Yankee Stadium is arranged, and Ron gets a taste of the glory days. He goes to Disney World, where a German television company pays for his entourage to stay in exchange for extensive interviews. After these trips begin Ron’s attempt to re-acclimate to life outside of prison. Ron has a Social Security settlement worth $60,000, plus a small monthly income, and with Annette's help, he buys a mobile home, but he does not do well living on his own. He is unable to save money and gives much of his settlement away. He starts drinking again, but alcohol does not mix well with his psychiatric medications, and he becomes paranoid.

Dennis avoids police and takes a job at a burger joint. With professional help, he is able to put his life back together. He and Barry Scheck make a plan to sue for damages. Ron returns to a mental hospital, then lives for a while in a nursing home, which bores and frustrates him. His sister Annette works to find him places to stay, but he seldom lasts anywhere longer than three months before leaving or getting kicked out.