63 pages 2 hours read

Matt Haig

The Humans

Fiction | Novel | Adult

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 2, Chapters 33-45

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “I Held a Jewel in My Fingers”

Part 2, Chapter 33 Summary: “Sleepwalking”

Andrew stands over Gulliver while he sleeps. Andrew contemplates the vastness of the starry night sky and how lonely humans must feel. Andrew uses his mind control abilities to pull Gulliver out of bed. He instructs Gulliver to walk to the open door, and Gulliver follows all his instructions. Andrew closes his eyes for a moment, contemplating his next and final move with Gulliver, when he feels hands around his throat. Gulliver pulls him to the ground and starts punching him. Andrew forces him awake, and Gulliver is confused. Isobel enters and sees that Andrew is bleeding. Andrew assures them all that Gulliver didn’t know what he was doing. 

Part 2, Chapter 34 Summary: “I Was a Wasn’t”

Isobel and Andrew return to bed and discuss Gulliver. Isobel is concerned about him and says that she doesn’t know him anymore. Andrew asks her existential questions about what it means to truly know someone or to know yourself. Feeling vulnerable, Andrew is grateful to have Isobel’s company in the bed with him. They turn off the lights, and Isobel goes to sleep. Andrew ponders the human fear of the dark; he realizes that humans need one another to get through the dark night.