35 pages 1 hour read

Philip Roth

The Human Stain

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2000

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Chapter 5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary: “The Purifying Ritual”

Nathan attends Faunia’s funeral. Two people—a coworker from the dairy farm and Smoky Hollenbeck—eulogize her. Fourteen people attend. Nathan approaches Faunia’s father and his companion, Sylvia, after the funeral. He learns that Faunia kept a diary and lied about being illiterate. Sylvia refuses to let Faunia’s father read the diary. She also reveals she has already scattered the ashes of Faunia’s children. Nathan also goes to the local police and state police to report everything he knows about Lester stalking Coleman and Faunia. The police promise to keep in touch but never follow up.

Someone in the department at Athena College later sends an email about Faunia’s death, full of rumors and insinuations that Coleman abused her and was responsible for her demise.

Nathan also attends Coleman’s funeral. The attendance at Coleman’s funeral is overwhelming, and Herb Keble, the first Black professor hired by Coleman at Athena College, gives the eulogy. Herb expresses his remorse for not supporting Coleman during the incident that got him fired and offers his assurance that Coleman was always fair in his dealings with students: “The alleged misconduct never took place. Never” (310).

Nathan meets Ernestine at the funeral and can tell immediately by her resemblance to Lisa Silk that she is related to Coleman.