69 pages 2 hours read

Nancy Farmer

The House of the Scorpion

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2002

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 5, Chapters 35-38

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5: “La Vida Nueva”

Part 5, Chapter 35 Summary: “El Día de los Muertos”

Matt and Fidelito try to reach San Luis as fast as possible, but Matt still aches from his injuries. Fidelito bounces up and down energetically, making Matt tired. When Fidelito asks where they are going and who they are going to meet, Matt tells him about María and the convent. An unbearable stench gradually grows as they near the Colorado River. The two see a greasy tentacle grabbing the shore and run. The smell of the air clogs Matt’s throat until he collapses of an asthma attack. Fidelito gives Matt lemons to smell, which don’t help. He then tells Matt he is going for help and disappears. Soon afterwards, Matt feels an inhaler brought to his face and is able to breathe again. His vision clears, and he sees an old man and woman standing beside him. They explain that Fidelito found them and they sent an ambulance for Chacho.

The old woman, Consuela, tells Matt to stay with them for the night. The old man, Guapo, identifies their uniforms but tells them not to worry—they hate the Keepers, too. Consuela and Guapo lead Matt to a high wall and press a button. The door slides open to reveal a graveyard surrounded by flowers, candles, and food placed all around.