59 pages 1 hour read

Dean Koontz

The House at the End of the World

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 9: “Aftermath”

Part 9, Chapter 79 Summary: “The Fox and the Artist”

Katie and Libby wrap their weapons in some clothes from Nonna Giana’s house and then make their way through the streets of the town back to the Range Rover, avoiding detection by locals or police. They find the fox waiting for them, and Katie is struck by his beauty, which seems like an important truth in the world. They drive slowly out of the town, which is starting to wake up to the aftermath of the nearby bomb.

Part 9, Chapter 80 Summary: “The Eagle, the Lion, and the Crocodiles”

A flashback reveals Katie, only three days after losing Avi, welcoming a visitor. Sudi is a former Marine whom Avi entrusted with important information to be delivered to Katie in the case of his death. Sudi gives Katie a package of materials that Avi collected, instructing Katie on how to best disappear and claim a new identity if she ever needs to. Sudi tells Katie that a lion is not a coward if it backs away from crocodiles. Katie memorizes the packet of information and burns it.

Part 9, Chapter 81 Summary: “Out of the Darkness”

Katie and Libby drive west on the interstate, listening to the radio for any news of the explosion on Ringrock, but nothing is mentioned.