59 pages 1 hour read

Dean Koontz

The House at the End of the World

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Part 6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 6: “Brink”

Part 6, Chapter 60 Summary: “Coffee”

Katie and Libby have coffee to focus, and Libby begins telling Katie how Moloch came to earth under the guidance of astronaut Shelly Framington, which was Sarah’s real identity.

Part 6, Chapter 61 Summary: “Six Years Before the Crisis on Ringrock”

A flashback from Raleigh summarizes the discovery of Moloch. Shelly Framington, an astronaut, was commander of the International Space Station (ISS) when a large unknown object attached itself. It was smooth and white, without seams or damage from space dust; the astronauts on the ISS quickly determined that it was an artificial construct of non-human origin. Framington argued that the object should be brought to earth to be studied, and Ringrock Island was chosen, as it was already a high-security biological lab. The object was kept on the ISS for 20 days and then transported to Earth to be studied. Raleigh’s account comes seven months after that event, and scientists have discovered that the object is hollow, containing something. Raleigh ends with his certainty that the object is a gift from an advanced alien civilization.

Part 6, Chapter 62 Summary: “Moloch”

Libby continues explaining, in her own words, what happened with the object after this study. The scientists took great precautions in trying to open the artifact; when it opened of its own volition, a worm-like creature of living tissue emerged.