75 pages 2 hours read

Arthur Conan Doyle

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1902

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Chapters 6-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary: “Baskerville Hall”

Holmes accompanies Watson to the train station. He asks his friend to send reports of anything of interest that he learns in Dartmoor, and he mentions several servants and neighbors to keep an eye on. Holmes warns him that the case may prove dangerous; Watson has brought his pistol and promises to keep it close.

They meet Sir Henry and Dr. Mortimer, who say they were careful to watch out for spies; they were apart only for a short while, when each went to visit different places. Holmes warns Sir Henry not to be alone at any time, and to avoid the moor after dark. The young heir reports that he never found his second lost boot.

Watson, Sir Henry, and Dr. Mortimer board their train and travel through verdant countryside to the rolling granite of the Devonshire moors. As a child, Sir Henry lived on the coast nearby but never visited Baskerville Hall; the views are new to him, and he is thrilled.

At the small train station, staffers seem eager to welcome the new heir. Two soldiers stand guard. A two-horse open carriage awaits them; the three men ride in it through a small town and up into hills covered in moss, low-growing ferns, and shrubs; higher up are forests and the fallen leaves of autumn.