89 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Hidden Oracle

Fiction | Novel | YA

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Chapters 9-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary

Apollo considers it a good sign that he can see Camp Half-Blood from his vantage point atop a hill, since the camp is normally shielded from mortal eyes. The camp consists of three square miles of woods, meadows, and strawberry fields surrounded by dense forests and hills. A gold and white statue of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, guards the camp from intruders. Though Meg is awestruck at the sight of the camp, Peaches the karpos and Apollo sense an eeriness in the air. As the trio tries to enter the woods that surround the camp, the very trees seem to be blocking their way. In the best of circumstances, Apollo is wary of woods, possibly because they contain dryads or tree-protecting spirits, who remind him of Daphne. As Meg and Apollo lose their way in the woods, Meg asks Peaches to help. Peaches glows bright green and disappears in a swirl of leaves. Apollo hears a feminine voice speaking his name, asking him to find “it.” The voice reappears in Apollo’s head, saying “THE FALL OF THE SUN. THE FINAL VERSE” (70). Disoriented by the voice, Apollo falls into a stream, and Meg fishes him out.