89 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Hidden Oracle

Fiction | Novel | YA

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Chapters 37-39

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 37 Summary

Apollo is speechless with surprise. As Percy Jackson’s pet hellhound Mrs. O’Leary lands on the head of the statue, she proceeds to “wee-wee” on the bronze giant. Percy slides on top of the statue’s head, and Apollo asks the demigod to keep the giant from wrecking the camp as Apollo enchants the arrow. Percy slices the statue’s crown with his sword and jabs the cut-off spike into the forehead of the Colossus. He slides down the rudder the statue is holding and draws the Colossus toward the beach. Apollo feels renewed confidence, invokes his old powers as the god of plague, and enchants the bronze arrow with a sickness. Odious green mist begins to engulf the arrow. However, Apollo’s cursed arrow infects Kayla and Austin before he can shoot it at the Colossus. As Austin collapses into sneezes, the chariot plummets to the ground. Apollo manages to grab the reigns and makes a soft landing on the sand just in time. The pegasi run away with Sherman’s now-battered chariot, taking Apollo’s bow with them.

The demigods on the ground take the sick Kayla and Austin away. With only Chiron, Apollo, and Percy left on the beach, Apollo uses Chiron’s heavy centaur’s bow to shoot the enchanted arrow at the Colossus.