89 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Hidden Oracle

Fiction | Novel | YA

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Chapters 29-32

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 29 Summary

Apollo and Meg emerge into a tree-hemmed glade where the myrmekes dump the skeletons of their prey. At the end of the glade are six cocoon-like objects mounted on tall wooden poles. The poles flank a pair of enormous oaks, which form the gateway to the Grove of Dodona. As Apollo and Meg head toward the doorway, Apollo finally recognizes the cocoon-like objects: Most of them are the missing campers wrapped in cotton stuffed with extremely flammable material. Only the heads of the unconscious campers poke out of their wrappings. Apollo runs to Austin’s side and tries to unwrap him, but the packing is too sticky and tough. Peaches makes a sudden appearance in the glade, looking beaten and bruised. Meg alerts Apollo to a pair of seven-feet-tall humans walking into the glade from the tunnel. Apollo recognizes the men as Germani, or the murderous imperial bodyguards of ancient Rome. Behind the Germani is the Emperor Nero, dressed in an expensive suit of purple Italian wool.

Apollo asks Nero to spare Meg and the six captives and take Apollo instead. However, Nero wants Apollo to first open the doorway to the Grove of Dodona. He introduces the two Germani as Vince and Gary.