89 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Hidden Oracle

Fiction | Novel | YA

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Chapters 13-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

Harley, the eight-year-old son of Hephaestus, the Roman god of fire and metalworking, explains the three-legged death race to the campers. It is obvious to Apollo that only a child could have designed such a dangerous race. The campers are to group into twos to participate in the race. Apollo is paired with Meg. Given the recent disappearances, the campers are asked to stay away from the woods. Chiron asserts that the race will help the campers better understand the legendary Labyrinth or maze of Daedalus, which has reopened in the camp. Apollo protests that it is impossible to map the Labyrinth, a maze that can think for itself and is always expanding, since it was created by the master inventor Daedalus to contain the monster Minotaur.

At dinner, Conor Stoll and Sherman Yang, two boys whom Meg has humiliated since her arrival, plan a prank attack on Meg. As the two throw a golden net over Meg’s head, the proceedings are broken up by a howl and a “blur of chubby flesh, leafy wings, and linen diaper” (124), as Peaches the karpos lands on Sherman. Peaches takes down Sherman and Connor. The other demigods draw their swords, eager to kill the karpos.