73 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Hammer of Thor

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 7-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “Have You or Someone You Love Ever Suffered from Lindworms?”

As the group advances through combat, Magnus attempts to get to know Alex. Alex also lived without a home in Boston, and she deflects any questions about her identity by bluntly stating she’s gender-fluid and transgender and that Magnus can look up those terms if he doesn’t understand them because “it’s not my job to educate” (54). Having known lots of kids who were kicked out of their homes because their families didn’t accept who they were, Magnus isn’t surprised by this, but he fails to convey his lack of surprise in a way that convinces Alex.

Before Magnus can ask more questions, a lindworm attacks their group. Alex recognizes the lindworm as one of the oldest and most powerful and suddenly looks terrified, saying, “He sent it for me. He knows I’m here” (57). She orders Magnus to distract the lindworm before she climbs a nearby tree. After hesitating, Magnus charges, only to fall to his knees as a vision of Loki and his Uncle Randolph overtakes him.

Chapter 8 Summary: “I Am Saved from Certain Death by Being Killed”

Magnus’s physical form stays on the battlefield while his spirit inhabits his uncle’s body. Loki invites Magnus to a wedding in five days, to which he must bring the bride (Sam) and the “bride-price” (the Skofnung Sword).