57 pages 1 hour read

John Grisham

The Guardians

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2019

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Chapters 31-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 31 Summary

Post helps guard Quincy’s room in the hospital’s intensive care unit since he’s worried someone will try to finish the job and kill Quincy off. Quincy remains unconscious, and there’s a chance he may not wake up. Quincy’s brother Marvis is on the way to the hospital and may have to consider “pulling the plug” (259). The Guardian Ministries team decides to notify the FBI of the attack. Post starts investigating to find out which prison inmates jumped Quincy and how the attack was allowed to happen—he assumes that guards were complicit. He agrees to pay a prison guard, Mosby, $5,000 in exchange for getting the details about Quincy’s attackers.

Chapter 32 Summary

It’s a little over a day since Quincy’s attack, and his vital signals are stabilizing. Quincy’s brother Marvis arrives. Mosby reveals that Quincy was jumped by two white men, members of the Aryan Deacons gang. A guard acted as a lookout, turning his back to allow the jump. Post goes to see the warden of the prison, who feigns stupidity and acts as if he has no clue how the attack happened. Post knows he’s lying and threatens to bust him in federal court.