60 pages 2 hours read

Pearl S. Buck

The Good Earth

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1931

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Chapters 27-34

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 27 Summary

Ching goes to Wang Lung and says that a great flood is coming. They investigate the land, and Wang Lung understands that the coming flood will inundate all of his fields and he’ll have no harvest.

Wang Lung knows he’s safe from the robbers in the region because Uncle is second in command of the Red Beards. However, Wang Lung’s eldest son comes to him and complains that Uncle’s son looks at his wife constantly. Wang Lung explains their dilemma: They can’t evict Uncle’s family because he spares them from the criminal gang. Father and son speculate about a solution. The son suggests giving them opium. Wang Lung is averse to this idea until Uncle’s son accosts Wang Lung’s younger daughter in the courtyard, fondling her. The next day, Wang Lung goes to the merchant whose son Wang Lung’s daughter will marry and asks him to take the girl into his house to protect her. Going home, Wang Lung stops and purchases tobacco and six ounces of opium.

Chapter 28 Summary

Wang Lung provides opium to Uncle and his wife. It has the intended effect. They sit all day and smoke the drug.