47 pages 1 hour read

Philip Pullman

The Golden Compass

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1995

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Part 1, Chapters 5-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 1: “Oxford”

Part 1, Chapter 5 Summary: “The Cocktail Party”

Lyra goes with Mrs. Coulter everywhere: to meetings at the Royal Arctic Institute, to lunches with sophisticated women, to shopping for their expedition north, and to the theater. In between all these happenings, Mrs. Coulter teaches Lyra the basics of geography and math. One day, when Mrs. Coulter tries to teach her about electrons, Lyra is eager to show that, even though she does not know a lot, she does know some things, so she brings up the Dust. Mrs. Coulter reacts strangely when Lyra brings it up and asks where she learned about it. Later, Pan tells Lyra that Mrs. Coulter’s dæmon had all his hair standing on end when Lyra brought up the Dust. Lyra explores her femininity by playing with Mrs. Coulter’s cosmetics and wearing lots of pretty outfits. Sometimes, she misses Roger, but she is so busy that there is always a distraction. Pan is getting frustrated that Mrs. Coulter keeps saying they are going north, but they still have yet to leave.

Mrs. Coulter takes Lyra to get her hair and make-up done properly, and she insists Lyra leave behind her shoulder bag. Lyra has been secretly keeping the alethiometer in the bag, and Pan reacts strongly in the form of a polecat.