34 pages 1 hour read

Walter Dean Myers

The Glory Field

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1994

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Part 2

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2 Summary: “March 1864”

Part 2 begins at the Live Oaks plantation, Curry Island, South Carolina. It is March 1864. The principal character in this section is Lizzy Lewis, who is thirteenyearsold. Lizzy's mother died due to the hard work in the rice plantations, and Lizzy is taken in by Moses and Saran.

Lizzy and the other slaves have been taken to the fields to work, even though it is a Sunday. Mister Joe Haynes, the overseer, is paying close attention to Moses. Lem and Joshua, Moses’s son and brother, respectively, have run away, and there are patrollers out looking for them. The patrollers eventually bring Lem back, but Joshua has escaped. Moses lives in the largest of the five slave cabins on the plantation and it is used for them to worship and come together when there is trouble. Saran, Grandma Dolly, Moses and the other slaves call on God to keep Lem safe when they see Mister Joe Haynes and two white men escorting Lem across the grounds.

Miss Julia, Old Master Lewis's daughter, gets Lizzy to the house in order to manipulate her into telling her what she knows about Lem and Joshua. Miss Julia and Lizzy drink tea and Miss Julia sweet talks Lizzy, even telling her that one day she is going to buy Lizzy from her father and set her free so that they can walk hand and hand in pretty dresses in Johnson City.