73 pages 2 hours read

Amitav Ghosh

The Glass Palace

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2000

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Parts 5-6, Chapters 31-33

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5, Chapter 31 Summary

Ilongo brings Arjun to Morningside, where Dinu, Alison, and Saya John are dining. Arjun sits down to eat, while Alison takes Saya John to bed. Dinu is left alone with Arjun, feeling a sudden rush of jealousy. As they talk, Arjun quickly deduces that Dinu’s relationship with Alison is the real reason why he has stopped writing. Eventually, Dinu admits that he is trying to ward Arjun away from Alison. The meeting is concluded briefly, but Arjun becomes a frequent visitor at Morningside.

Occasionally, he brings friends from the military. Their presence in the house seems to delight Alison and Dinu notices that she dresses more extravagantly when guests arrive. Dinu feels as though, after one of the soldiers’ boisterous visits, Alison hardly seems to think he exists. Expeditions become frequent and, increasingly, Dinu finds himself side-lined by Arjun’s magnetic personality.

One morning, Arjun drives up to Morningside on a motorcycle with Alison in the sidecar. He announces the birth of Manju’s child. Arjun and Alison are going to the sea to celebrate and they insist that Dinu come with them. He refuses, disappearing into his dark room. Dinu catches a glimpse of Alison’s scarf fluttering in the wind as she and Arjun ride away.