73 pages 2 hours read

Amitav Ghosh

The Glass Palace

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2000

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Parts 2-3, Chapters 13-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 13 Summary

Uma is woken the next day to the news that Rajkumar is waiting for her. Dolly has left the house, as has the collector. When she finally meets with Rajkumar, he thanks her for the previous evening and admits that Dolly was the girl from his story. When he tells her of his struggles to speak to Dolly, she remembers her own courtship with her husband, which was done mostly through intermediaries. Rajkumar interrupts Uma’s memories to ask for help.

Later that day, Dolly is summoned to the collector’s house. She searches for Uma under the peepul tree and finds her, with Rajkumar alongside her. Alone for a moment, Uma and Dolly talk. Uma informs Dolly that she believes Rajkumar is in love. Dolly confesses her previous mistakes, such as her relationship with Sawant, and that she had dreamed of Rajkumar. Uma insists that the two talk and leaves to fetch Rajkumar.

Rajkumar and Dolly then talk. Dolly tells him that the birth of the princess’s child makes the situation impossible and, despite Rajkumar’s protests, they can never be together. She asks him to leave and he acquiesces to her request.