73 pages 2 hours read

Amitav Ghosh

The Glass Palace

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2000

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Part 6, Chapters 37-39

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 6, Chapter 37 Summary

Dinu, Alison, Saya John, and Ilongo travel back to Morningside. The towns that were abandoned the day before are now filled with soldiers. The soldiers seem exhausted and the homes seem to have been looted. A soldier, drunk, tries to flag them down but Dinu insists they drive on. Morningside seems untouched by the chaos. Alison spends her final few hours with Dinu.

Kishan investigates the world outside. The Japanese have left, so Arjun is carefully lifted out of the hiding place. With a branch as a crutch, Arjun walks with Kishan until they find the coolie line. From a hidden position they watch the people below and spot the flag of the Indian National Movement. Among the crowd is Hardy, who is deep in conversation with an unknown Sikh. Arjun breaks from the hiding place and limps toward Hardy, shouting.

Hardy ushers Arjun into a medical bay and the bullet wound is re-bandaged. The battalion, Hardy explains, found the coolie line in the night and was offered shelter. Another officer has broken ranks with the English and is trying to form an independent unit. Arjun and Hardy have been invited to join the fight on the Japanese side.