73 pages 2 hours read

Amitav Ghosh

The Glass Palace

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2000

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Part 4, Chapters 22-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 4, Chapter 22 Summary

The wedding is a spectacular affair with everyone in attendance. Rajkumar, now in his mid-sixties, moves slower than before and has recently suffered a minor stroke. He is present against his doctor’s orders and his business is no longer as profitable as it once was. Bela, Manju’s sister, likes Dinu and together they take pictures of a local train station. They spy Arjun arriving home via train and greet him. With him is his batman, Kishan Singh. Kishan smiles at Bela while the others discuss the possibility of another global war.

Part 4, Chapter 23 Summary

Though they have never been close, Dinu is struck by the change which has come over Arjun. Arjun’s attitude, training, and sense of camaraderie fascinate him. Arjun tells stories of the multi-ethnic, multi-religious diversity of the army; Dinu finds certain suggestions offensive and misguided. After an incident at dinner, Arjun recounts to Dinu a story about his friend, Hardy. Hardy is a Sikh and an officer who once made a social faux pas by dining in the messes of the other ranks. When Hardy is given command of older Indian non-commissioned officers, they reject him.

Arjun admits that he feels similarly and that the commissioning of Indian officers will be the end of the army.