63 pages 2 hours read

Mark Twain, Charles Dudley Warner

The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1873

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Chapters 38-51

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 38 Summary: “Reception Day in Washington—Laura Again Meets Col. Selby and the Effect Upon Her”

Laura sees Col. Selby, the man who married and then scorned her, at a party. Her hatred and heartache return in full force. She makes up a story about fearing burglars in order to get one of Washington’s pistols, then finds out where Col. Selby is staying. She then lures him to Dilworthy’s house at a time when nobody else will be home.

Chapter 39 Summary: “Col. Selby Visits Laura and Effects a Reconciliation”

Col. Selby shows up at Dilworthy’s house at the appointed time and is shocked to find Laura there. She confronts him for his previous treatment of her, and he admits his wife is in DC with him. Fearing Laura’s rage, Col. Selby expresses remorse and professes to still love her. Laura believes him and thinks they’ll be together now. She doesn’t feel bad for his wife, who she thinks he’ll now abandon. Her passion for Col. Selby supersedes logic and makes her feel he belongs to her.

Chapter 40 Summary: “Col. Sellers’ Career in Washington—Laura’s Intimacy With Col. Selby Is Talked About”

Beriah has become quite popular in DC among politicians and even the president. His lofty speeches have convinced Washington that he can expect at least $2 million for half the Tennessee land and that he might be able to lease the land to the government rather than selling it outright.