40 pages 1 hour read

Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Gambler

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1866

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Chapters 13-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 13 Summary

A month after the events with Grandmother in Roulettenburg, Alexey is staying alone in another small German town. He gives an account of what has happened in the preceding month. He reveals that the day after Grandmother’s massive losses in the casino and her claim that she would leave for Moscow, Grandmother had stayed on another day and “lost every last thing” (224). She had lost 90,000 roubles that day, exchanging all her banknotes and domestic bonds. Also, on the same evening, des Grieux had vanished from the hotel, and Blanche had started ignoring the general. Meanwhile, Alexey had retreated to his room and written, then sent, Polina a letter saying that he would do anything for her and would be waiting for her. After this, the general summoned Alexey to his room and explained his dire situation to him, explaining that he had mortgaged all his assets to des Grieux and begging Alexey for help. Then, after a final meeting with Grandmother, Alexey had returned to his room, finding Polina sitting inside on a chair by the window.