41 pages 1 hour read

Mitch Albom

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2003

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Chapters 8-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary: “The Third Person Eddie Meets in Heaven”

Eddie finds himself in the mountains outside an old-style diner. Inside, he observes a group of diners who have all been injured in some way. Among these diners is Eddie’s father. Eddie tries to talk to his father, but his father cannot hear him.

Eddie fought for his father’s attention as a child, but his father was always busy working or playing cards. Sometimes his father would come to the bedroom Eddie shared with Joe and beat both boys for imaginary transgressions. Despite all the bad times, Eddie adored his father and wanted nothing more than his approval, which he got on rare occasions. Eddie knew his father was proud of his ability to stand up for himself and his ability to protect his older brother. However, after Eddie returned from the war, he and his father got into an argument because Eddie was depressed and failed to get a job. During the fight, Eddie’s father attempted to throw a punch, but Eddie stopped him. Eddie’s father refused to speak to him again after that fight.

A woman approaches Eddie and tells him that his father cannot hear him because he is a “part of my eternity” (111) and was not there.