48 pages 1 hour read

John Grisham

The Firm

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1991

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 36-41

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 36 Summary

Mitch goes to a bank early in the morning and wires $10 million from an account in the Cayman Islands to an account opened by Tammy. He wires $1 million to an account opened in his mother’s name and another million to an account belonging to Abby’s parents. Finally, he moves $7 million to a Swiss bank account and leaves a million in the original account for Tammy.

DeVasher’s people make a claim of rape against Ray and name Abby as his accomplice, causing a multi-state search for them both. Ray and Abby are in Panama City Beach and Mitch instructs them to move to a small motel where they are less likely to be noticed. He promises to meet them that night. Abby cuts and dyes her hair. Mitch arrives and takes Ray and Abby to another motel up the road. They unpack the U-Haul and settle in, hoping to hide out for a few days.

Chapter 37 Summary

Joey Morolto arrives in Florida and gathers over 60 men to hunt for Mitch. At the same time, the FBI assembles in Florida and begins a search for Mitch as well. When they receive word that the car Abby rented was discovered in Panama City Beach, they all move their operations there.