54 pages 1 hour read

Rosemary Sutcliff

The Eagle of the Ninth

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1954

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Chapters 9-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “Tribune Placidus”

Some months later, Marcus has concluded that because Cub was born wild, Cub should be afforded the opportunity to decide for himself the life that he wants, “You could take a wild thing, but never count it as truly won until, being free to return to its own kind, it chose to come back to you. Marcus had known that all along […]” (77). Marcus and Esca take the wolf to an open part of the landscape surrounding Calleva to honor this philosophy. In this place familiar to him, they allow Cub free reign to run. Marcus and Esca sit for a time, discussing the visitors who will be arriving at Uncle Aquila’s home later that day and enjoying some quiet contemplation. These past months, Marcus has been considering what he will do now that his health is much improved. Without the finances to purchase a plot of land to farm, and unwilling to impose upon Uncle Aquila for help, Marcus intends to apply to serve as a secretary. He had intended to inform Uncle Aquila of this plan when news of their visitors arrived, and as such he has not yet had the opportunity.