77 pages 2 hours read

Kwame Alexander

The Door of No Return

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2022

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Chapter 7, Poems 1-37

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “The Story of the Story”

In history, humans and spirits were neighbors connected by stories. Before people could write, they still had chants, songs, poems, and more they shared through oral storytelling traditions. Their Asante people would gather around a fire and listen to a storyteller. The stories passed along important messages, answered questions, taught lessons, etc. Nana Mosi ends this tale by explaining to Kofi that there will come a time when Kofi will be the storyteller sharing these tales to his children, tribe, and others.

Chapter 7, Poem 1 Summary: “Chaos”

The white men push them to get out of the dungeon. Afua tells Kofi to wake Owu, but the little boy is unmoving. Kofi realizes Owu is dead.

Chapter 7, Poem 2 Summary: “Rest in Peace”

Kofi can’t fathom Owu, so young, being dead on the ground. Afua grabs Kofi’s hands and tells him it will be okay because Owu is free now.