77 pages 2 hours read

Kwame Alexander

The Door of No Return

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2022

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Chapter 4, Poems 1-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4, Intro Summary: “The Story of the Drum”

The drums are an important part of Asante culture. They are akin to a body’s heart, feeding their souls. Drums are used to make music for ceremonies, entertainment, and to honor the Creator. The drums mark important life events like marriages, births, festivals, and deaths. The drums are also used to inform, so everyone should learn their sounds to be ready to receive messages that could protect them.

Chapter 4, Poem 1 Summary: “The Day Following”

Usually following the wrestling competition, the men roast a pig, and everyone enjoys groundnuts, sugarbread, and more. The Kings and chiefs drink while kids play water games.

This year, there is no celebrating or roasting of a pig. Prince Yaw is dead. This year, the joint Council of Elders and Kings will meet to discuss Kwasi’s punishment.

Chapter 4, Poem 2 Summary: “Remorse”

After accidentally killing Yaw, Kwasi is unable to eat or drink. He sits in a corner and shakes. Kofi asks if he’s okay, but his brother doesn’t answer.