77 pages 2 hours read

Kwame Alexander

The Door of No Return

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | Middle Grade | Published in 2022

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Chapter 3, Poems 1-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 3, Intro Summary: “The Story of the Wrestlers”

On the sixth day of the Kings Festival, the two tribes of Upper and Lower Kwanta have a wrestling match. They bring their strongest men and women while others cheer them on. Lower can finally try to gain advantage over Upper in the wrestling matches, so they are extra competitive. The winners are carried around like kings and queens in palanquins, while the losers are mocked.

Chapter 3, Poem 1 Summary: “A Midsummer Night”

Kofi has a dream about turning into a spider and his cousin appears. They’re in the river and a crocodile is chasing them. The crocodile turns into a leopard and the river shifts into the jungle. They try to outrun the leopard. Kofi turns back into a spider and hides in a tree, but the leopard attacks his cousin, who cries for his help. His mother’s voice screams for him to help his cousin.

Chapter 3, Poem 2 Summary: “Things My Maame Says”

Kofi’s mother says many different specific things to him. She tells him to eat, wash, brush his teeth, and to stop sleeping in and dreaming.