57 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

The Dark Prophecy

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Chapters 8-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

While Emmie and Josephine are away, Apollo recalls the working of the Oracle of Trophonius. Two springs—memory and forgetfulness—bubble at the entrance of the oracle’s cave. A questioner must drink from both to prepare their mind for the oracle. Inside the cave, Trophonius fills their minds with nightmarish visions and words, driving them “mad.” When the questioner returns, they are made to sit on the Throne of Memory so they can recount the words of prophecy they heard. If the questioner is lucky, their mind will then calm down. Apollo deduces that Georgina never got to sit on the Throne of Memory since the New Hercules stole it. Meanwhile, the crash on the roof turns out to be Britomartis, the goddess of nets. She is here for Apollo.

Chapter 9 Summary

The goddess of nets and traps has promised Artemis to help her twin. Britomartis wants something from Apollo in return: Apollo must rescue the griffins before the goddess tells him the way into the palace of the New Hercules. Griffins are the sacred animals of Britomartis; therefore, she wants this pair saved. Going to the palace is crucial for Apollo’s quest to retrieve the Throne of Memory. Only on this throne can a prophecy from Trophonius be recounted.