57 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

The Dark Prophecy

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Chapters 29-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 29 Summary

Apollo explains to everyone that Commodus received a prophecy that he will not be able to rule Indianapolis until he kills Apollo and destroys the Waystation. Not a fan of waiting around, Commodus is therefore bound to attack the next morning. Thalia assures Jo and Emmie that she and the hunters will stay at the Waystation to defend it. The released prisoners vow their support as well but want to kill Lit. Apollo asks Lit to be spared as he may already be repenting his actions.

Later, Emmie learns from Lit that Commodus’s forces run into hundreds of mortals and magical beings. Apollo worries if he goes to get the prophecy in the morning, he and Meg won’t be around to defend the Waystation. Emmie says he must go because his prophecy is critical to stopping Commodus. In private, Emmie asks Apollo if he somehow engineered Georgina’s altered mental state to get back at her for giving up his gift of immortality. Apollo assures Emmie such a thought never crossed his mind, even when he was a god.