57 pages 1 hour read

Rick Riordan

The Dark Prophecy

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2017

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Chapters 15-21

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary

Apollo tells Calypso he can steer a toy train since he has driven the sun. However, his attempts to speed up the painfully slow train are unsuccessful. He and Calypso manage to get to the training field of the secret enclosure behind the main zoo. Apollo tells Calypso to be careful of the animals caged behind plexiglass screens since they have been starved and irritated to be at their most savage. From what Apollo remembers of the games of Commodus, the animals will soon be butchered for sport. A horrified Calypso locates the griffins, Abelard and Heloise. Apollo realizes the reason for Britomartis’s urgency to recover the beasts: Heloise, the female, is with egg.

To win the trust of the griffins, Apollo must feed them the tots by hand. He finds the control panel to the plexiglass partitions and lowers the glass in front of the griffins. Calypso and Apollo sing an ancient duet to lull the animals; Apollo recognizes this is the same song his mother Leto would sing for him and Artemis when they were children. Calmed, the griffins allow Calypso and Apollo to feed them. Applause breaks out behind them. Lityerses has arrived at the enclosure.