66 pages 2 hours read

Holly Black

The Cruel Prince

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

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Chapter 25-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary

Jude returns to the Court of Shadows to find that Cardan has charmed the rest of the spies into untying his hands. The spies reveal that he has promised them all extravagant prizes if they free him. Jude takes Cardan away and questions him. She learns that Locke’s and Taryn’s romance began several months before, and that Cardan intervened several times to keep Jude alive. Jude begins to understand that Cardan isn’t especially violent or bloodthirsty. As she questions him, another truth comes out, aided by Cardan’s inability to lie—although he resents her freedom from the hardships he endures, his dislike is mostly due to his attraction to Jude. He dislikes it because of their difference in social status in Faerie. Jude capitalizes on his discomfort by kissing him.

Chapter 26 Summary

Both Jude and Cardan feel the spark of attraction during their kiss and pull away. Cardan tries to persuade Jude to include him in her bargain with Balekin, to persuade his brother to let him live in peace, far away from the kingdom. Jude leaves the Court of Shadows to think through her next steps. She decides that the best outcome would be Oak’s crowning as High King, but then for him to live in the mortal world until old enough to return and rule in his own right; if he stays, Jude worries that