55 pages 1 hour read

Dave Eggers

The Circle

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

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While there are varying definitions, a dystopian novel is often one in which the author portrays a harrowing future that could arise from society’s current path. Through the lens of the novel’s powerful characters or governing bodies, they often paint the dystopia as a utopia, as is the case in The Circle. Very early in her Circle tenure, Mae is already awestruck by the company’s seemingly perfect systems. In her view, “The best people had made the best systems and the best systems had reaped funds, unlimited funds, that made possible this, the best place to work. And it was natural that it was so, Mae thought. Who else but utopians could make utopia?” (31).

During the early and middle sections of the novel, there is arguably gray area in which a reader might agree with Mae’s belief that the Circle is utopic. After all, the story is told through her perspective, and the reader is trained to consider her a reliable narrator. She seems innocent, likeable, and capable of discerning good from bad. However, in the latter part of the story, it becomes clear that the Circle has motivations to be

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