58 pages 1 hour read

Robert Cormier

The Chocolate War

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1974

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Chapters 24-33

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 24 Summary

Brother Leon tells Archie he is in trouble because the chocolates are not selling. He lectures him about the lack of momentum and says half the chocolates remain unsold. Archie prods him with questions about finances and attempts to leverage information from Brian Cochran. Cochran overheard Brother Jacques accuse Leon of overextending the school’s finances to buy the chocolate with money he was not supposed to use, information which he then relayed to Archie along with the records of the chocolate sale.

Brother Leon says he thought Archie and his “friends” had influence, but that their game with Renault backfired. Archie suggests the sale is falling apart because kids are tired of selling things, but Leon insists that Renault must sell the chocolates, and that “The Vigils must throw their full weight behind the sale…” (157) or else the group will face consequences.

Chapter 25 Summary

Jerry receives a new summons to a meeting with The Vigils. Archie offers him chocolates, which he then eats himself, calling them “delicious” and “a bargain.” He asks the other members of The Vigils to share how many boxes they have sold, and they quickly take his cue to exaggerate their totals.