38 pages 1 hour read

P. D. James

The Children of Men

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1992

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Book 2, Chapters 20-25

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book 2: “Alpha, October 2021”

Book 2, Chapter 20 Summary

Theo returns to Oxford at the end of September, after visiting Italy. At home, the loneliness that he felt abroad is still with him. He calls Helena to see if there is news, but she is unhappy that he called. A group of rebels is talking about freeing the convicts on the Isle of Man and overthrowing Xan. That night, Theo has a nightmare about his father and his wounded hand, but in the dream, his father’s image is replaced by Luke’s, and Rolf screams that Theo has killed Julian. When Theo wakes, he goes to the church and finds the floor stained with blood.

Book 2, Chapter 21 Summary

Miriam knocks on his door that evening. The SSP has Gascoigne. The others are in hiding at a chapel near Swinbrook and they need Theo and his car. As they travel, she tells him that Gascoigne was captured while placing explosives at the site of a scheduled Quietus. Gascoigne was working alone—Rolf didn’t know about the operation. Theo tells her that the only reason they haven’t all been captured is because Xan doesn’t want it yet.

Miriam tells Theo that Julian is pregnant. As a midwife, Miriam has verified the pregnancy.