75 pages 2 hours read

Henry James

The Bostonians

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1886

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Book Third: Chapters 35-42

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Book Third: Chapter 35 Summary

Basil is staying in the town of Marmion on Cape Cod because he knows that Olive and Verena are there. When he arrives, he decides to wait until the next morning for his “attack” (272). During a walk, he encounters Dr. Prance, who informs him she is staying with Olive and that she can show Basil where their house is. She has been invited to care for Miss Birdseye, who is “she is failing” in health (274). Dr. Prance suggests it is unpleasant living “four ladies grouped together in a small frame-house” (274). Basil remembers how much he likes her.

When Basil tells her he is looking forward to seeing Miss Birdseye, Dr. Prance notes that Miss Birdseye considers him “an acquisition” (276). Basil is confused. He wonders if Verena has told her “she had succeeded with him” (276) and figures he “can easily let her suppose so” (276). Dr. Prance agrees he should not let Miss Birdseye know he has “moved back, if anything” (276).

As they approach the house, Dr. Prance tells Basil she hopes Miss Birdseye lives to see Verena speak at the Boston Music Hall and that they are visiting Cape Cod so Verena can practice her speech.